VHP: World Hindu Congress, a global platform for Hindus

A year-long Golden Jubilee Celebrations of VHP are being carried all over the country commencing from Krishna Janmaashtami Day. As a part of celebrations, a mega ‘World Hindu Congress’ commenced at Delhi today to unite Hindus across the globe and strengthen the community. Hindu leaders and representatives across the globe are participating in the three day Conclave. Deliberations and discussions on various subjects will take place. RSS Sarsanghachalak Mohan Ji Bhagwat, Maa. Ashok Singhal, spiritual leader Sri Dalai Lama and other leaders addressed the sessions.

हिंदुत्व के वैश्विक प्रसार के संकल्प के साथ विश्व हिन्दू कांग्रेस शुरू
नई दिल्ली. राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के परम पूज्य सरसंघचालक डा. मोहन राव भागवत ने कहा है कि समस्त संसार को मानवता का पाठ पढ़ाने का परंपरा से भारत का दायित्व है, जिसकी आवश्यकता संसार को सदा रहेगी.
परम पूज्य सरसंघचालक ने यहां 21 नवंबर को वर्ल्ड हिन्दू फाउंडेशन द्वारा आयोजित प्रथम वर्ल्ड हिन्दू कांग्रेस के उद्घाटन सत्र में वैश्विक हिन्दू पुनर्अभ्युदय के लिये उपयुक्त समय और हिन्दू समाज के सामूहिक प्रयास विषय पर अपने सारगर्भित मार्गदर्शन में कहा, पूज्य दलाई लामा जी ने जिन सरल शब्दों में कहा फेथ, ह्यूमैनिटी, उसकी आवश्यकता तो संसार को सदा थी, सदा है, सदा रहेगी और उसको देने का काम हमको करना है उन्होंने कहा कि एक समाज,  एक राष्ट्र और एक देश के नाते भारत के अस्तित्व का यही प्रयोजन है. इसीलिये पचास से अधिक देशों से हिन्दू के नाते, हिन्दू समाज का विचार करते हुए सम्पूर्ण विश्व को आवश्यक  मार्गदर्शन प्रदान कर सकें- ऐसा रूप हिन्दू समाज को देने के लिये क्या किया जाये, इसका विचार करने के लिये यहां आये हैं.  
परम पूज्य ने कहा कि जहां तक उपयुक्त समय की बात है तो समय को तो पकड़ना पड़ता है. उन्होंने इसके लिये एक सटीक दृष्टांत प्रस्तुत करते हुए कहा, गंगा किनारे के एक गांव में रहने वाला एक नवयुवक बहुत अच्छा तैराक था. दिन में दो-तीन बार गंगा का आलोड़न करता था.  उसकी इच्छा सागर में तैरने की हुई. समुद्र तट पर पहुंचकर वह पूरे दिन बैठा रहा, लेकिन वह समुद्र में नहीं उतरा. अंत में सूर्यास्त के पश्चात वापस आने वाले लोगों में से एक ने पूछा कि आप स्नान करने के लिये आये थे, इतनी देर बैठे रहे तो अभी तक स्नान क्यों नहीं किया? युवक का उत्तर था कि सागर में बहुत टर्बुलेंस (ऊंची और तेज लहरों का उठना व गिरना) है, शांत हो जाये तो मैं स्नान करूंगा. उन्होंने कहा कि दुनिया के जीवन में भी समस्यारूपी लहरें तो आती ही रहेंगी, अच्छी-बुरी स्थिति का धूप-छांव का खेल तो चलता रहेगा. उपयुक्त समय वही है जब हम काम शुरू कर दें.
डॉ. भागवत ने इच्छाओं की पूर्णता में संतुलन को परम आवश्यक बताया जो विविधता में एकता का दर्शन करके प्राप्त हो सकता है. उन्होंने कहा कि विकास करने जाते हैं तो पर्यावरण का सफाया करते हैं. पर्यावरण को ठीक करना है तो विकास को रोक देते हैं. व्यक्ति को स्वतन्त्रता देनी है तो परिवार का या समाज का विचार छोड़ देते हैं. समाज का विचार करना है तो व्यक्ति को दबाते हैं.
परम पूज्य ने कहा कि यह संतुलन चूंकि न जड़वादी और कोरे पंथिक विचार से मिला और न ही पूर्ण समाजवादी या पूर्ण व्यक्तिवादी विचार से मिला इसलिये सारी दुनिया के चिंतक 2000 वर्ष तक प्रयोग करते-करते थकने के बाद किसी तीसरे पक्ष की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं. वे अब सोच रहे हैं कि समाधान हिन्दू ज्ञान एवं परम्परा में ही मिलेगा.

हिन्दू और बौद्ध मतों के बंधुत्व पर अपने ओजस्वी उद्बोधन में 14वें परम पावन दलाई लामा ने स्वयं को अच्छा हिन्दू बताते हुए कहा कि दोनों मत आध्यात्मिक भाई हैं. साथ ही, हिन्दू तंत्र और बुद्ध तंत्र में काफी समानतायें हैं. दलाई लामा ने आत्मा और अनात्मा के विषय को नितांत निजी आस्था का मामला बताया.
उन्होंने भारत के प्राचीन ज्ञान एवं पूर्ण विकसित दर्शन को आधुनिक विश्व के लिये अति प्रासंगिक बताते हुए कहा कि यह विश्व को एकसमान मानव होने का बोध कराते हुए धार्मिक विश्वासों से उत्पन्न होने वाली समस्याओं का समाधान करने में पूर्ण समर्थ है. उन्होंने इसके अहिंसा और धार्मिक समरसता के तत्वों को बहुत आवश्यक बताया.  

विश्व हिन्दू परिषद के संरक्षक श्री अशोक सिंघल ने अजेय हिन्दू निर्माण के परिषद के संकल्प पर विस्तार  से प्रकाश डाला. उन्होंने कहा कि भारत को 15 अगस्त को स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त हुई थी जो महर्षि अरविंद का जन्म दिन था. महर्षि अरविंद ने कहा था कि केवल राजनीतिक स्वातंत्र्य मिला है. अपनी धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक स्वाधीनता के लिये स्वातंत्र्य समर से भी बड़ा संघर्ष करना पड़ेगा. परिषद उसी दिशा में गोरक्षा, गंगा, एकल विद्यालय और श्री राम जन्म भूमि आंदोलन के माध्यम से अजेय हिन्दू शक्ति के निर्माण में जुटी है.
श्री सिंघल ने जब सगर्व यह कहा कि 800 वर्ष बाद पृथ्वीराज सिंह चौहान के बाद हिन्दू स्वाभिमानियों के पास सत्ता आई है तो सारा सभागार करतल ध्वनि से गूंज उठा. उन्होंने पूरे विश्वास के साथ कहा कि हिन्दू शक्ति ने संसार में कभी हिंसक रूप नहीं लिया और न कभी लेगी. 
विश्व हिन्दू परिषद भारत के संयुक्त महासचिव स्वामी विज्ञानानंद ने विश्व हिन्दू कांग्रेस की आयोजन की आवश्यकता पर प्रकाश डाला. नॉर्दर्न प्रॉविंस, श्रीलंका के मुख्यमंत्री श्री सीवी विग्नेश्वरन ने भी भारत के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान को विश्व भर में फैलाने पर जोर दिया.
कार्यक्रम में हिन्दू धर्म आचार्य सभा के संयोजक स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती अस्वस्थता के कारण उपस्थित नहीं हो सके, लेकिन उनका संदेश पढ़कर सुनाया गया.
प्रबोधन पत्रिका के संपादक श्री शरदेन्दु की पुस्तक प्रबोधन का परम पूज्य सरसंघचालक और परम पावन दलाई लामा ने विमोचन किया. विश्व हिन्दू परिषद के अध्यक्ष श्री राघव रेड्डी ने डॉ. भागवत और दलाई लामा जी को सम्मानित किया. कार्यक्रम में सरकार्यवाह श्री सुरेश (भय्या) जी जोशी, सहसरकार्यवाह डा. कृष्ण गोपाल और दत्तात्रेय होसबाले की उपस्थिति उल्लेखनीय थी. कार्यक्रम का संचालन श्रीमती अपर्णा वास्त्रेय और धन्यवाद ज्ञापन आयोजन समिति के उपाध्यक्ष श्री नरेश कुमार ने किया.        

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  1. The secularism and ‘Dharma-nirpekshata’ constitute the foundation of Indian constitution, but ‘religion and Dharma’ has not been defined separately, hence the religion and politics became the part of democracy. It has created problem of religion and politics and intellectuals always demand that religion and politics should be separate from each other.
    The Indian secular constitution says that religion shall not be used for political purpose. It needs to be defined afresh in the light of ‘Hindu’
    The ‘Hindu’ is not a religion, the term Hindu was imposed by the invaders to differentiate between the converted Muslim followers and local non converted Indians as ‘Hindu’.

    The name ‘Sindhu’ is converted in to ‘Hindu’ in Persian. Accordingly, they have called India as ‘Hindu’. They have named the land across the ‘Sindhu’ river as Hindustan. During the long slavery, it became the custom to call India as Hindustan and its residents as ‘Hindu’.
    The ‘Hindu’ has not been defined as ‘religion or Dharma’ in any ancient scripture, but became the way of life with comparison of Indians in the light of organized Muslim and Christian religion. The religion is confined to faith in one God. It has been equated with polytheistic approach towards God and Dharma.
    Otherwise the’ Dharma’ and religion are far away from each other. The concept of Dharma, which is in India, is not in the world, and concept of religion, which is in the world, is not in India. It has created lot of disharmony and confusion with equating ‘Dharma’ with religion.
    The ‘Dharma’ is self duty in life, under cosmic principles. The Brahma, God is the cosmic principle, and the Soul is life principle, both are same, and beyond perception of human senses. Hence it is the matter of self realization, just like magnetism induces magnetism in iron, in the same way the cosmic principle induces its replicates. The life on the earth is its higher form with evolution and complexity in nature. Hence it has been said that God and Soul are one and the same without attribute and character.

  2. Ethical Crisis in India .....

    India is under ethical crisis on the name of superstition and cultural ego. It has created the chaos and conflict in the society. Adi Shankaracharya, Maharshi Dayanand and Maharshi Aurobindo have enlightened the world with Vedic heritage of Indian subcontinent, during slavery of India under British rule. In series Bhagwan Rajneesha, Swami Muktanand, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi highlighted the Vedic heritage at global level. But mental slavery of British Emperor with divide & rule policy is so deep rooted in blood under present democracy that India is under ethical crisis and conflict in the society.
    It has given the easy way to exploit sentiments of the people on the name of superstition and so called religious bifurcation of India. Otherwise invaders and foreign rulers were totally failure in converting Indians and India under their superstitious Divine faith, during long slavery of India of more than one thousand years, but now it seems that we have given them the way at our own with our inherent mental slavery of Divine faith in unseen forces.
    The arrest of Sant Rampal, Sant Asaram, Swami Nityanand and Chandraswami are product of the mental slavery of our constitution, which give freedom of superstition on the name of so called religion and God. It has given open professional field to exploit sentiments of illiterate Indians and Government is failure to teach ethics with education.
    Maharshi Dayanand and Maharshi Aurobindo have enlightened the world with inherent Indian Vedic Science. We have to search our roots and identity in Vedic Science, other wise India will nowhere with time.
    A paper on Good Governance in Sanskrit and Vedas - Weekly BLiTZ
    Dr. Chandra P Trivedi

  3. Respected Pranab Mukherjee,
    Honourable President of India,New Delhi
    Subject- India is mental slave with the so called religious bifurcation of Indian subcontinent.
    Honourable Sir,
    I feel great honour as Indian, as we have a great scholar and devotee of Kali as President of India. Can you send my findings to the patriots of mother land India. Otherwise India will be nowhere? With freedom 1947 in dark midnight, have we not sold our motherland to rule over the country without ethics? Because I feel that there is no safety of Indian in his own motherland.

    With regards

    Dr.Chandra P. Trivedi

    Dharma and Religion

    Dr.Chandra P Trivedi

    dharmaThe secularism and ‘Dharma-nirpekshata’ constitute the foundation of Indian constitution, but ‘religion and Dharma’ has not been defined separately, hence the religion and politics became the part of democracy. It has created problem of religion and politics and intellectuals always demand that religion and politics should be separate from each other.
    The Indian secular constitution says that religion shall not be used for political purpose. It needs to be defined afresh in the light of ‘Hindu’
    The ‘Hindu’ is not a religion, the term Hindu was imposed by the invaders to differentiate between the converted Muslim followers and local non converted Indians as ‘Hindu’.

  4. Out of India the religion are based on commandments of God, and became organized religion on the name of one God, otherwise, the God is present everywhere, he is not different for different people. And if belief is enforced and not comprehensible, how can it be a source of joy and give strength of character in daily life?
    Hindu and Muslim
    The Indian Muslims have not come from Arab; hence they were absorbed as one faith among Indian polytheism. They together have shaken the foundation of British emperor with great revolution of 1857.
    They have invented the religious opium as tranquilizer to rule over India and forced the Indians to think in the language of Hindu or Muslim with divide and rule policy. With this shrewd politics, they have ruled India starting from 1857 to 1947. When they have imposed their policies successfully, they have divided Indian subcontinent in pieces with its roots in Pakistan, and left Kashmir as disputed ‘Head’.
    The political parties have got the ruling power in inheritance to rule over India and Pakistan with divide and rule policy. They have given freedom to political parties; where Hindu is not a religion, and converted Muslim have no right for separate state on the name of religion.
    The Supreme court on ‘Hindu’
    “These Constitution Bench decisions, after a detailed discussion, indicate that no precise meaning can be ascribed to the terms ‘Hindu’, ‘Hindutva’ and ‘Hinduism’: and no meaning in the abstract can confine it to the narrow limits of religion alone, excluding the content of India culture and heritage. It is also indicated that the term ‘Hindutva’ is related more to the way of life of the people in the sub-continent. It is difficult to appreciate how in the face of these decision the term ‘Hindutva’ or ‘Hinduism’ pre-se, in the abstract, can be assumed to mean and be equated with narrow fundamentalist Hindu religious bigotry, or be construed to fall within the prohibition in sub-sections(3) and/or (3A) of section 123 of the RP Act.”
    Caste and religion
    If we consider the religion of India in perspective of foreign religion than every caste is equal to a religion. Accordingly the invaders were unable to convert the Indians into Muslim, other wise in the long history of slavery no Indian would have survive. Accordingly at some places with their caste people in mass have been converted into Muslim. They have preserved their traditions under the name of Muslim. Although originally Muslim religion has no caste based society, but in India we have many castes in Muslims also.
    British Govt. in India has given it a turn so as to divide Indians into Hindu and Muslim. They have imposed the Indian caste based society as one Hindu religion and other one Muslim on the basis of faith. It was the root cause of division of India. It has created religious competition in the country, and we have forgotten the national integrity, otherwise spiritual freedom is the identity of India from time immemorial. Its roots are in scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization. They were having full knowledge of the creation, with the knowledge of the origin of life from DNA as the single ancestor. The caste system with hereditary characters has been established for the stability of the society. It has been pointed out by a Russian Archaeologist Lamberg Karlovski.
    To break the cultural unity of India census commissioner J.H hatten 1931 brought in light the concept of untouchable on the name of caste, although the profession was not the caste.
    The British have done some good work also. It is British Era, and intelligent British Emperor brought Vedas and Indus Valley in light with past glory of India. They have united India in one political unit with their advance technology and skill. The implementation of limited democracy was the step to eradicate kingship from India, who have divided India in many states with their selfish interests. Now with democracy India has powerful central Government to rule over states and to defend the country from outside attack.

  5. “How Hindu Came about”
    India is a great country with multicultural democracy. Mostly the Indian mind is easygoing and can enjoy Mein Kampf as well, and ignorant of Indian mind may feel that they are fascist, as they have seen only Hitler. Otherwise Indian people believe in ‘live and let them live’ ‘Jiyo aur Jeenedo’ due to this inherent ideology India has tolerated Muslim and British rule. Even today India is under corruption wave from top to bottom, Anna Hazare has tried to awaken the country against corruption, he was successful up to some extent, but his motto was hijacked by politicians.
    It is the politics of religion, which shake the Indian mind at a length. Otherwise such a peaceful country, who can tolerate invaders and British for more than 1200 years and still surviving with upper head and with pride of its own culture.
    The phobia of religion is so much that mostly people may choose their religion first before nation? It is alarming situation for the country, who has not defined religion and ‘Dharma’ in constitution?
    The recent episode of ‘Vande Mataram’ I bow to motherland has also forced to think that if India is declared as mother land of all, who reside in India, then what will be the situation?
    We can oppose ‘Hindu Rashtra’ as slogan of a religion, and can oppose it freely against secularism of constitution. It is all due to the brutal so called religious bifurcation of India that Indians are suffering with fear from each other on the name of religion.
    It is very interesting that the people are suffering from illusion of religion, and the political parties are harvesting the vote bank without any fruitful work for the country or poor people, and no party like to eradicate the superstition or illusion of religious bifurcation.
    Unity of God and Soul
    Unity of God and Soul

    Chandra P Trivedi Religious fundamentalism is growing day by day, it is against the basic teachings of the religious scriptures. Basically all religious scriptures are saying one and the same thing in their…

    Chandra P Trivedi

  6. consciousness is one and the same in all the living-beings.
    E-mail: atcptrivedi@gmail.com

    Physicist Stephan Hawking in his book has said that God has not created the Creation? The Creation came into the existence under the physical laws of Gravitational force from zero. No religion can give the answer. Only on the name of faith they can not give the answer.

    The seears and the prophets have traced the same thing. It has been described symbolically in their language, for the guidance of the common people. It can be grasped only after having the full knowledge of the creation. The modern Science require the experimental proof, hence the Scientists have denied the existence of God and Soul.

    The religious scriptures are saying one and the same thing, which Science is explaining with scientific evidences. The creation came into the existence from a fundamental energy, under the laws of Thermodynamics Rig-Veda 10-90-1-4, to whom the Scientists call it as Gravitational-force.

    The Higgs boson or God particle is a proposed elementary particle. The leading explanation is that a field exists that has non-zero strength everywhere—even in otherwise empty space and that particles acquire mass by interacting with this so-called Higgs field.

    The discovery of God particle; Higgs Boson is not new for India. The Indian Vedic Scientists and the seers have traced the same long back. It has been described as Creator; Vishvakarma Imaginary primeval Man Purusha; Hiranyagarbha Golden embryo, and Prajapati lord of beings in the Vedas.

    In the beginning rose Hiranyagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings. He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven. What God shall we adore with our oblation? Rig. 10-121-1

    The Higgs Boson God particle is termed as Hiranyagarbha Golden embryo to explain ‘An invisible field lying across the universe give particles their mass, allowing them to clump together to form stars and planets.’

    The same has been described as Creator Brahma in Upnishads, Allaha or Khuda in Holy Quraan, Almighty God in Bible, and Ahur Mazda in Avesta.

    It has been described as the creator, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God. The same is the consciousness, Soul in the body. He is not different for different people with different names.
