Hindu culture is in no need of sermons on freedom for women to be given or taken. The 11th Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, between January 29, 2020 and Febuary 4, 2020 provided a glimpse of the unique place of woman in Hindu society as experienced since ages. Significantly, the Fair was inaugrated by Mata Amritanandamayi; Kannagi, the first women revolutionalry activist in Tamil Hindu history was the centre of attraction. HSSF Fair is themed this year as "Revering Womanhood".
Vanniyars are a warrior clan community in Tamil Hindu history. Their main deity is Draupadi or Panchali of Mahabharatha. Born out of Fire, she is known to destroy sins. Contrary to the popular belief, most Draupadi temples have a Vanniyar priest rather than a Brahmin priest.
Narikuravas: Gender equality is their culture
Well, we have seen Narikuravas (the Gypsy tribe) on roads, train, waysides selling knickknacks. It is indeed visual surprise to see them display and sell their chains, ear rings, bangles in a stall. Being an oldest counterpart of the Hindu culture, Kali is their Kuladevta. Speaking to VSK, a lady of the community said they are happy first to be part of an exhibition like this. They feel very much a part of the Hindu society. If a stall is not given here for them here in a "Hindu Fair", then where else she asserted. Their community is one of the pioneers of gender equality in the country. Women folk in their tribe are involved in business, move around the country for work and are consulted in matters of their family and society welfare. Yearly once, Narikuravas across the country come together in a open ground and pray to Goddess Kali and offer feast to villages around. Their woe is to move them from MBC quota to SC quota in Tamil Nadu as they can better obtain the reservation benefits.
Devendra Kula vellalar: App is everything for them
The Devendra Kula vellalar community are getting back to their vedic roots. Worshipping the lord of Devas, Devendra has become their identity. They are a peerless group which wants to move out of the reservation quota. Like the yadavas connecting with Lord Krishna, Devendra Kula Vellalars connect with Lord Indra. It gives the spiritual lift, says Thangaraj an activist. This is the reason they desist using Ambedkar's photos to identify their community. He insists every community should find their spiritual connect within the Hindu roots and when that realisation happens with every community, this country and Hindu culture will reach greater heights. They have launched an App "Indran" to connect more with their community.
Mudaliars : Shedding the Dravida cult
Gender parity is not a new concept here. Right from pre-independence era Thillayadi Valliammai to modern era Mithali Raj (Indian Women Cricket team captain), Mudaliar community has many women achievers to draw inspiration. Another accomplishment they are proud of the prevalent bhakti cult in their community. SivaSri Arunai vadivel Mudaliar's interpretation of Saiva thirumurai is very well appreciated. Unlike the Tamil secessionists of today, who claim Tamil saivam is a seperate religion from Hindusim, Shri Arunai Vadivel Mudaliar gave the essence of the 12 Thirumurai with its original Hindu identity in tact. Though members of this community are the fore runners of Dravidian Movement, the community takes pride in identifying themselves with doyens like Arunai Vadivel, Mu Varadarasanar and Ethiraj Mudaliar (founder of Ethiraj College) rather than their Dravidian counterparts.
Kallars : Temple festivals round the year
Fair sprinkling of seva activities too
The Anatha Preta Kainkarya Trust founded by Sridhar ji, performs final rites to unclaimed and orphaned dead. Giving the right dignity due to the departed, his trust has also many women participants. From carrying the departed to performing final rites, women are a part here. The HSSF tells all about scores of such thoughtful seva activities going on all over.