Prayers for the Vikari Year

Verses composed and Translated by Dr.Jayaraman Mahadevan

वातपित्तकफोत्थानां विकाराणां प्रशामकः।
विकारी वत्सरो भूयाद् देहारोग्यप्रदायकः ॥
Let this Vikari year balance the Physiological Vikaras - imbalances/vitiation- of the Vata, pitta and Kapha and bestow good health.

 à¤•ामक्रोधादिरूपाणां विकाराणां विनाशकः।
विकारी वत्सरो भूयाद् मनःशमनकारकः ॥
Let this Vikari year remove Psychological Vikaras- imbalances/distrubances  - like desire, anger etc and  bestow great peace to the mind.

वैमनस्यादिरूपाणां विकाराणां विनाशकः।
विकारी वत्सरो भूयात् समाजे शान्तिदायकः ॥
Let this Vikari year remove the societal Vikaras - imbalances/distrubances  - like conflicts and strife and lead to a state of social harmony.

वैरिदुष्कृत्यरूपाणां विकाराणां विनाशकः।
विकारी वत्सरो भूयाद् भारतस्य जयावहः॥
Let this Vikari year destroy the Vikaras of the Nation - distrubances -  caused by the disruptive activities of the enemies and lead to Success of Bharata.

अविद्या-तद्विपाकादि-विकाराणां विनाशकः
विकारी वस्तसरो भूयात् स्वरूपावस्थितिप्रदः ॥
Let this Vikari year destroy Spiritual Vikaras - distractions - like avidya - wrong perception/ignorance and its consequeces (like the vicious cycle of unending birth and death) and lead to Self-awakening and Self-realization.

विकारी वत्सरश्चेत्त्थं विकाराणां विनाशकः
विशिष्टकर्मकरणे भूयाद्भूयः प्रचोदकः ॥
Thus let this Vikari year remove Vikaras at all levels - distrubances and imbalances - and inspire us to achive remarkable feats in our life. 

-          To listen to the pronunciation of the verses and also a short talk on these verses click here -

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