Enthusiastic RSS route march (Pathasanchalan) took place at Rajarathinam Stadium, Egmore today.
For about 15 years, police denied permission citing various reasons and the uniform resembles that of armed forces of Union or police and a case has been filed with the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India to issue a Writ of Mandamus allowing RSS to conduct a procession in their uniform and lead by a musical band. Considering the writ petitions Nos.34440 to 34453 of 2016, the learned counsel observed as follows:
‘Therefore, this court is of the view that even on the construction of Section 41A of the Act, the petitioners are entitled to succeed. Coming to other two issues pertaining to the usage of sticks and clubs and the musical instruments, the said condition also cannot be sustained. There is absolutely no material to hold that mere usage of musical instruments would cause law and order situation affecting public peace. Sticks and clubs by way of arms in which case certainly, Section 41A of the Act would be attracted. When the usuage is for would form part of the said instruments and therefore, they cannot be termed as sticks. Therefore, the said conditions imposed cannot be sustained in the eye of law.
Accordingly, writ petitions in W P Nos 777 and 778 of 2016 stand allowed and the two conditions aforesaid are hereby set aside. However, it is made clear that the petitioners will have to stricktly comply with the other conditions imposed by the respondents. In view of the order passed in W P Nos. 777 and 778 of 2016, the relief sought for in W P Nos 53 and 54 of 2016 no longer survives and the said writ petitions are dismissed as infructuous. The petitioners are allowed to take musical instruments and the procession can lead by a band.
Today, thousands of members marched to the band, the patriotic song praying to Mother India and an energizing speech in Tamil by Shri P M Ravikumar, Prantha Pracharak, urging Hindus to Awaken and Unite.
The participants, a diverse set of people from young 10 year old boys to 80 year old grandfather, from all communities and occupational backgrounds marched in unity and to rousing band music.
RSS Pranth Pracharak (Uttar Tamilnadu) P M Ravikumar took note of the 1000th year anniversary of Sri Ramanujacharya and the sacrifices of Guru Govind Singh, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose and Dr Ambedkar for the Nation. Among the key points made in the speech are that Chennai has always been the starting point of national awakening. Specifically, it was from Chennai that Swami Vivekananda organized his resources and left for his famous trip to Chicago which changed the world's perception of the Hindu Religion and Hindus.
The recent movement for restoration of Jallikattu happened not very far away from the Vivekananda House on Marina Beach - the spiritual connection cannot be missed. Even the small number who swayed will soon undergo a change of heart through correct understanding it was said. Jallikattu is a Hindu Tradition of Tamil Nadu and it is always associated with temples and the worship and respect for bulls. The RSS has clearly been supportive of the movement from the very beginning. People of Chennai were and are always nationalists and will never allow anti-nationals and fanatics of foreign religions to succeed even though there were attempts by anti-national forces to hijack the event.
The event concluded with a coordinated, melodious singing of the National Anthem, Jana Gana Mana by both the march band, organizers and the audience.
Organizers thanked the State Police and the State Government for the permission granted and arrangements for safety and security for the two hour long event.
Total participants of Pathasanchalan across Uttar Tamilnadu are 3949 in Purna Ganvesh, with 4543 participants (including Erode held last week). Chennai witnessed participants of 2340 in ganavesh.
That shows the organising ability of the Sangh parivar.
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We are very happy that the event was successfully held this year!RSS is a great organization. We support it wholeheartedly! Bharat Mata ki Jai! Vande Mataram!