RSS Pathasanchalan is organized to commemorate the Millinenium year of Shri Ramanujar, 153rd Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, 125th Birth anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar at Thakkalai, Kanyakumari today.
Initially, police denied permission citing the uniform resembles that of armed forces of Union or police and a case has been filed with the High Court under W P No.54/16. Honourable Judge M M Sundresh dismissed the case and allowed RSS Pathsanchalan with Sangh Uniform and Ghosh (musical instruments). Judge further observed that the Sangh uniform in question is not with reference to that of uniform of police or any armed forces.
On musical instruments, Judge observed,"There is absolutely no material to
hold that mere usage of musical instruments would cause law and order situation
affecting the public peace. Similarly
the petitioners are not using the sticks and clubs by way of arms in which case
certainly Section 41A would be attracted.
When the usage is for the purpose of musical instruments they would form
part of musical instruments and therefore they cannot be termed as sticks. Therefore the said conditions imposed cannot
be sustained in the eyes of law. Accordingly
the two conditions are hereby set aside.
Around 1135 swayamsevaks of Kanyakumari district participated in route march held today at Thakkalai.
Congratulations for the successful conduct of paths sanchalan inspire of all odds against 😊👋✌