Mega Rehabilitate Service by Sewabharathi volunteers at Manali

In yet another event in Mathur, Manali of Chennai which is one of the worst affected place during Chennai Floods, Sewabharathi volunteers organized a program for distribution of relief materials at KCT Vivekananda Vidyalaya, Periya Mathur, Manali, Chennai. Earlier, survey was conducted by the local Sewabharathi volunteers and the need was assessed for Phase III rehabilitate service. 
Around 60 Materials like Iron box, grinder, water tank, tricycle, electrical tools, and chairs for saloon shop, fish net, rickshaw, plastic table, chair etc worth 14 lakh was distributed to nearly 700 flood affected people who lost their essential tools/machines for their job surviving.
Shri Sethu Madhavan, Senior RSS leader, Shri Kalyan Singh, Chennai Mahanagar Sanghachalak, Shri Ramarajasekar, Prant Seva Pramuk, Shri Rajesh Vivekanandan, State Secretary for Sevabharathi, Smt Indumathi, State Office bearer for Sevabharathi distributed the relief materials.  

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