Civic body finds caterers cooking train food in filth and sewage- Suitable remedial action requested.
We wish to introduce ourselves as AKHIL BHARATHEEYA GRAHAK PANCHAYAT (ABGP): An All India Consumer Movement started in September 1974./ It has , All India Registration No :S/9194. Delhi. ABGP is now having its branches in 34 States.
We wish you and all IR employees' A Happy Diwali. We also congratulate your good self for taking charge as Minister for Railways, which is one of the world's largest railway networks and fourth largest commercial or utility employer with over 1.4 million employees. We are proud about IR which carries about 7,500 million passengers annually or more than 20 million passengers daily.
M.N.Sundar M.K.Balasubrmanian
Tamil Nadu Coordinator National Council Member and Chennai Coordinator.
Food have been always a issue on train /indian raliway ,there are trains without panatary,i have heard about where they have linked best resturant near station to get quality food .Good initative to solve the issue ?