Hindus of Narayana Mangalam in Perambalur District were shocked at the behaviour of the Police in illegally banning the Rath Utsav in the local Mariamman (Kali), Vinayagar, Selliamman temples for over 12 years. People belonging to two communities there fell out on who gets the temple honour first. It led to the stoppage of the chariot festival since 2007. This Utsav has been conducted for the past 200 years and have been managed by BC community people. Opposing the police intransigence, a writ Mandamus petition was filed by Sri Varadaraj of the village, seeking direction of the court to order the concerned officers not to stop or restrict the religious festival. First at the village, talks held with the legal and revenue officers failed. Later they approached the Madras High Court as a higher appeal writ. This higher appeal was heard by the sitting bench of Chief Justice Sri. A.P. Sahi, Judge Sri. Subramania Prasad. While directing and issuing orders the Bench said, right to worship is a Fundamental Right guaranteed by Constitution, so the authorities don’t have any right to restrict or stop such religious practices. In case of an unrest or disharmony at the time of festival, the police and the local authorities have power only to stop such incidents but not totally restrict the religious practices. The judges ordered the District Collector to intervene and sort out the issue with immediate effect.
Birds of Same Feather Flocking Together: Fate of the nation?

A convict in parole should not make public appearances or be associated with ruffians and anti social elements. Every movement of his should be monitored by the police says the parole law. Perarivalan, a convict in Ex-PM Rajiv Gandhi's Murder case was seen attending a family wedding surrounded by members for Dravidar Kazhgam and allied separatist outfits. Overwhelmed seeing him,many fringe outfit leaders like Seeman,SP Udayakumar, etc., were seen gladly hugging him.It is surprising that media persons also rushed to take selfies with him. It is interesting to note the connections between Rajiv Gandhi's assasination convicts and the Dravidar Kazagam outfit. Perarivalan's Father Late Kuyildasan was a active member of the DK party. He was staying in Periyar Thidal for many days before the assassination took place. Soon after the assassination, DK's Veermani quickly gave a press release that Perarivaln is dismissed from the party. It should be noted that another convict Nalini out on parole days back also stayed in a Dravidar Kazhagam member Singarayar's household. When LTTE is a banned outfit in India, how come a anti-national party with so many connections in ex-PM's assassination be not banned?
A Contrast In Priorities: Paunchur Tank Vs Humayun Mahal