RSS appealed to all swayamsevaks and whole society to be a part of celebrations of 550th Prakash Parv of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at all places and all levels with mutual cooperation and coordination.

RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Suresh (Bhaiyyaji) Joshi had darshan at Gurudwara Bhai Joga Singh in Sion, Mumbai.
In Chennai, RSS Prant Pracharak (UTN) Shri P M Ravikumar, Shri Sambamurthy, Shri Jagadeesan, Prant Karyavah, and other Sangh adhikaris participated in Prakash Parv celebrations held in the Gurudwara at T.Nagar. Shri Manjit Singh, Secretary, Gurudwara Committee and Principal of Guru Nanak College, Chennai welcomed.
In Arakonam, Vibhag Sanghachalak Shri Elumalai JI, Vibhag Karyavah Shri Prakash and Vibhag Pracharak Shri Harish and other Karyakarthas participated in Prakash Parv celebrations, held in the Gurudwara there.
Guru Nanak founder of Sikhism and first Sikh guru was born on Kartik Poornima in 1469 at Nankana Sahib, now in Pakistan. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birthday is celebrated on Kartik Poornima and this year marks the 550th anniversary of Guru Nanak dev. The Birth anniversary of Sikh Gurus is celebrated as GuruParv which is a sacred festival of Sikh Community.
Guru Nanak Dev preached ‘Kirat Kar Naam Jap Vand Chhakkh’ which means to work hard, remember God and consume by sharing among people. Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism, is known for his political, social and spiritual beliefs, which were based on love, equality, fraternity and virtue. Guru Nanak Dev Ji emphasized on moral and religious values. His concept of religion has place for every human being in this world irrespective of religion, caste, colour, breed and race. Guru Nanak Dev called for ‘Education for all’ i.e. universal education, regardless of class, caste, colour, religion, ethnicity, age, or any other discrimination.
Guru Nanak Dev’s three Hs –
• The knowledge of the “Hand”
• The knowledge of the “Head”
• The knowledge of the “Heart”
It is to be noted that Shri Guru Nanak visited Rameshwaram on 1511 and stayed for 19 days in Rameshwaram. During his stay in Rameswaram, Gurunanak found the water in the island saline. But the spring that Gurunanak created by digging the soil produced sweet water. Devotees still have preserved the small `mandapam,' where Sri Gurunanak stayed and the well. A Gurudwara was built in this place and named ‘Gurudwara Nanak Dham’ in remembrance of Guru Nanak, which has now become a pilgrim centre offering peace and solace to pilgrims who come from different parts of the country.