A responsive crowd gathered at the NARADA GANA SABHA, heart of Chennai, had the big crowd enthralled by the video first played on the RSS way of life and its achievements. The welcome speech was rendered by Sri. Chandrasekar ji, who profusely, wholeheartedly welcomed the Chief guest for the evening Sri. V. Nagaraj ji, Dakshin Madhya Kshetra Sangachaalak, (for Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana), and Sri Prakash ji, Praantha Samparkh Pramukh who were on the dais.
Sri. M Sasidharan, an ardent disciple of K J Yesudass ji rendered thani paadal.
Sri. V. Nagaraj ji, in his scintillating speech talked about the RESURING BHARAT, CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD, “First he had the crowd enthralled by his VANAKKAM, a short talk in tamizh language, then, why this topic RESURGING BHARATH, has been said and not RESURING INDIA? has been designed purposefully for a reason. He said that INDIA, was not mentioned for the simple reason it reminded of the picture of the colonial regime where we were subjugated, exploited both politically, economically and more. The only purpose for them to establish here is to destroy our culture, civilisation, but ironically they couldn’t destroy our souls, with culture intact, dented may be, but this didn’t affect us much. With our self-confident attitude, we overcame the inferior ways we were made to feel. In India DHARMA, is the way of our lives which can never be compared to the European countries way of life. India has now passed through the western world for them to take up our HINDU ways and culture. BHARATHA, which stretches from Himalayas to Kanyakumari and extends between the seas which has been mentioned in the ancient Tamizh Sangam literature, PURANAANOORU, our rich Bharatha culture, literature has also been mentioned in SILAPATHIKAARAM, MANIMEKALAI. Hence it is right to say that RESURGENCE, is not NEW BIRTH, but getting more strength and we are not dormant. For the past three to four years, we are seeing that the society has gotten an internal strength which can be felt to be sparkling, burning bright flame. So we need RESURGENCE for that. He was happy to quote when a young scientist from ISRO, said why should we rely on America to send people to the Moon and why can’t we develop and send people from India, that’s the right attitude of youngsters”.
“He was happy to quote that resurgence is happening with the youngsters whose services at IT sector, pharmaceutical field where in particularly we are exporting CROCIN to Africa where America is always thought of to be the supremo in that line, how things are changing where the tablets for AIDS, which were expensive once, has now seen a decline in the prices and made available to people who can’t afford it earlier. The Tirupur belt in TN, Bellary in Karnataka, are making headway in the textile field which is commendable. In the RESURGENCE, two fields are important, one is the MATERIALISTIC ADVANCEMENT, another is the SPIRITUAL. As we progress as a unified Bharath, it is important along with materialism we grow spiritually too, towards which various gurus and institutions who profess yoga, inner peace, is awesome. Towards this, he reminisced Swami Vivekananda’s predictions on his return from America and on his arrival at Kanyakumari, that, a time will come where Mother land of ours will awaken from deep long sleep, nobody can stop her then from her infinite steps. This surge is not sudden, these are not miracles, but by divine blessings. This happens because of the change in the individuals, Institutions, Organisations where RSS came to make this difference for the past 93 years”.
“He recalls, how the leaders of those days, were of a strong mettle and when Dr. Hegdewar was imprisoned under RI for one year, for his participation at satyagraha movement, on his release he was welcomed by Sri. Vittal Bhai Patel, Sri. Motilal Nehru, Sri. C. Rajagopalachari, he gave up all the name, fame, for something should be done to make this country safe which was only by Nationalism and discipline. How soldiers strive for safer atmosphere by selflessly working and expecting nothing”.
The went on to reiterate the CHALLENGES, that we faced, one is that we are becoming more vulnerable by the anti-forces acting against our National Unity and harmony, there is breach by anti-social forces who are trying to split our country and people by caste, creed because of which our social fabric is getting torn apart. Second challenge is that, to stop eradication of people who get awakened to the evil designs of these anti-national forces who are trying to create disputes with regard to water, land, rivers. We should understand that BIOSPHERE consists of Humans, animals, plants and trees who have to co-exist, co-habit, where the problems relating to these issues can be solved by scientific and judicious methods rather than politicising issues unnecessarily where enmity crops in. The third major challenge that our country is facing is that, losing of individual, social values. Village communities practise the values, be it at individual level or at community level, so that the harmony which is the social fabric is not shattered by being harmful to the society. As a society we should address issues regarding human dignity, being sensitive to the differently abled people, less education means lesser income which narrative should be emphasised for a change towards which the society should not be insensitive but being sensitive to their needs and lives, wherein Swami Vivekananda quoted even then, RESPLENDANT NEW BHARATH, should be all inclusive with farmers, fishermen and cobblers, we should tolerate poverty, less intelligent people, towards this effect. De-culturalisation is the impact from the western world of life in the garb of modernisation”.
“As the Nation is moving forward, in advancement in IT field, rise in gadgets this situation has seen to the increase in social problems too which is a challenge as it has decreased the existence of sparrows, honey bees because of the Electro Magnetic Waves. The threat that we face from terrorism, is not only our challenge but a global one too. We not only face threats from outside forces but from our naxals too. The next challenge that we face is the GLOBAL WARMING, with the need for more concrete buildings the whole world has become a reason for Global Meltdown. We are able to sustain the global recession only by the savings done by the Housewives/households in our country, which stems out of the traditional value of keeping money aside. Everyday prayers it is the rule of the day to not only pray for the material wellbeing which comes along with the spiritual quotient. RSS is not against Modern Technology but when changes come they should be with spiritual value intact”.
What are the ways that can take us forward? First, identify and create groups of men who can work selflessly by putting forward the Nation’s need, then the individual’s. Second is through Self-Discipline, for the growth of society. Thirdly, to serve the country expecting nothing, doing seva. An anecdote, where a Journalist approached Guruji and asked him what does he think of Communism and how is RSS different from them? Pat he gave the reply that Communism preaches INTENSE HATRED, whereas, the basis of RSS is INTENSE LOVE, which is towards the people, society, to serve the country, like soldiers believe in supreme sacrifice, to safeguard the glorious heritage. Honour and safety of my Nation comes first and every time. In RSS, Sangh does not do anything, but the swayamsevaks do everything. At the time of natural calamity, it is the RSS and the ARMY, who help people at the need of the hour, where no caste, creed distinction is seen. Motto of RSS is to make the individuals work for the nations cause voluntarily, where society does everything and they take the society with them. Power of good people with all of them together is an unbreakable force to the society and country”.
In his last parting shot, he said, “Nation first, with selfless service and discipline, in people’s hearts, will be made little brighter by Sangh throughout the country”.
Questions and answer session followed his scintillating speech, then dwaj pranaam and the mantra shloka was rendered.