A protest demonstration by Vivida Kshetrams of RSS Tamilnadu had been called to condemn the continuous attacks and murders of leaders of Hindu organizations in the state of Tamilnadu today. Permission for the venue in conducting the protest demo was revoked late night;
police kept changing the place of venue several times till night. Around 1200 men, women, transgenders took part in the protest demo. RSS State Secretary (Uttar Tamilnadu) Shri Sambamurthy, Vividha Kshetra leaders to name few-Hindu Munnani Organiser Shri Bakthavatsalam, Sevabharati Pramuk Shri Ramarajasekar, Sevabharati Sankatan Mantri Shri Srinivasan, BJP State President Thamizisai Soundararajan, BJP National Member H Raja, Shri Veerabahu-Editor, Vijayabharatham, were arrested. Leaders strongly condemn the undemocratic attitude and behaviour of the State Government.
It is to be remembered that when a siege protest demo was organized by various outfits in front of RSS Headquarters recently, permission was granted to carry their protest demo. Today mike was not allowed to address the gathering; slogans were not allowed to rise.
police kept changing the place of venue several times till night. Around 1200 men, women, transgenders took part in the protest demo. RSS State Secretary (Uttar Tamilnadu) Shri Sambamurthy, Vividha Kshetra leaders to name few-Hindu Munnani Organiser Shri Bakthavatsalam, Sevabharati Pramuk Shri Ramarajasekar, Sevabharati Sankatan Mantri Shri Srinivasan, BJP State President Thamizisai Soundararajan, BJP National Member H Raja, Shri Veerabahu-Editor, Vijayabharatham, were arrested. Leaders strongly condemn the undemocratic attitude and behaviour of the State Government.
It is to be remembered that when a siege protest demo was organized by various outfits in front of RSS Headquarters recently, permission was granted to carry their protest demo. Today mike was not allowed to address the gathering; slogans were not allowed to rise.