RSS Statement on Kaveri, Karnataka

Statement by V Nagaraj, Kshetreeya Sanghachalak of RSS (In reply to statement of Home Minister of Karnataka)

Sept 16, 2016
“People expect a serious and mature application of mind and solution to complex issue of Kaveri water dispute from Honourable Home Minister of Karnataka. Not the malicious habit of immature allegation on RSS. People know the truth”.

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  1. Yes, Karnataka ministers should show more maturity and magnanimity by honoring the SC verdict. They should also agree to the inter-linking of rivers so that there is no bad blood between States.It has become a habit with disgruntled and inept political parties to blame RSS and PM Modi for anything and everything!

  2. Why RSS didnt made any statement for Tamil hindus who are being attacked in Bengaluru and Mysore district. Do you want to say Bharatmata ki jai excluding Karnataka. What action RSS, VHP - BJP workers taken so far to prevent violence on Tamil hindus... Shame...VOTE BANK STRATERGY POLITICS - for RSS too...?
